Reflecting on 2020 and embracing the continuously evolving environment of 2021, the IAAH Young Professionals Network (YPN) would like to pay respect to all of those affected by the COVID-19 pandemic. The pandemic has and continues to significantly disrupt the education, socialization, and mental health of adolescents, young adults, students, trainees, and young professionals in many unanticipated ways. Understanding these disruptions are occurring, the Young Professionals Network has taken creative steps to provide information and resources in easily accessible ways. The network also continues to grow and change, providing an ever-growing pool of individuals with knowledge, experience, and ideas to tap into, making the network a vibrant and collaborative space, even in the face of a global pandemic.
Even though COVID-19 has halted many things, the YPN continues to expand, currently boasting 500 members. With growth comes change and Suzanne Crowley who served as the YPN Secretary for the past 3 years has transitioned away from that role and is now leading the YPN mentorship committee. James Wang, MD, Adolescent Medicine Fellow at the University of British Columbia, Canada will serve as the new YPN Secretary. In addition, the YPN communications committee also welcomed Surabhi Dogra, a health communications professional from India.
Despite obstacles, the YPN was able to produce four webinars during 2020 and aim to continue providing these rich, engaging conversations throughout 2021. Hosting them during a variety of time zones encourages individuals from all over the world to attend live, however, knowing this isn’t always possible, these webinars are recorded and housed on the IAAH YouTube channel. The 2020 webinar series included experts from around the world and touched on topics of leadership, career development, COVID-19’s impact on adolescent health and education, and COVID-19’s impact on mentoring, education, and training.
In addition to the webinar series, the YPN network continues to focus on sharing education and training resources via the IAAH social media channels (Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn) and through the IAAH YPN eNewsletter. Also in development for late 2021 is a virtual mentorship program that will provide opportunities to individuals seeking further career guidance in adolescent health.
Even though 2020 and 2021 have been challenging years for all, the YPN continues to strive toward providing resources and conversations around adolescent health, engaging with adolescent health professionals, and creating new ways to support adolescents and those who work with young people around the world. If you (or someone you know) are interested in joining the YPN, please complete the membership form via
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