Interested in shaping global adolescent health?

Interested in contributing to the International Association for Adolescent Heath?

This is your invitation to join an IAAH committee where you will work with
a purpose-driven, supportive community of exceptional health professionals.

IAAH Committees

The Council is seeking expressions of interest from IAAH members to join any of the following committees:

  • Communications committee
  • Education committee
  • Finance committee
  • Governance and Policy committee
  • International Adolescent Health Week committee
  • Membership committee
  • Nominations and Awards committee
  • Scientific Events committee
  • Youth Engagement committee

Upon approval by committee chair(s), volunteers will be appointed to a committee for an initial 12-month term, with the option to extend their commitment annually, in consultation with the committee chair(s).

Expression of interest to join IAAH committees will only be considered for active (current) members of IAAH.

IAAH Committee Terms of Reference and Priority Activities

Chair(s): Asha Pemberton, Vice-President Caribbean

  • Promote IAAH’s image and brand as a professionally focused, globally active, multidisciplinary organization.
  • Oversee the development and maintenance of the IAAH website.
  • Establish and maintain IAAH social media presence.
  • Consult with IAAH Governance and Policy committee around the development and dissemination of IAAH policies and position statements.
  • Develop messaging about topical, relevant, and important issues and initiatives in global adolescent health.
  • Foster relationships with various organizations and individuals to amplify global and national communication about adolescent health.​

Co-Chairs: Risa Turetsky, Vice President North America, Preeti Galagali, IAAH Member

  • Inspire and advance the capacities of professionals around the globe to provide excellent adolescent care.
  • Ensure resources are available, appropriate, and accessible for cross disciplines and cross nations.
  • Provide guidance and direction for education in the field of adolescent health.
  • Develop and/or disseminate educational content.
  • Collaborate with other organizations and partners to advance the mission of IAAH around education.

Education Committee Members

  • Abigail Harrison, Member for Caribbean region (Jamaica)
  • Fransisca Handy, Member for East Asia region (Indonesia)
  • Kirsten Boisen, Member for Europe region (Sweden)
  • Mauricio Scarpello, VP Latin America (Argentina)
  • Ruba Rizk, Member for MENA region (UAE)
  • Melissa Kang, VP Oceania (Australia)
  • Betty Arthur, Member for SubSaharan Africa region (Ghana)
  • Melis Pehlivanturk, EPN representative, Member for Eastern Europe/Asia (Turkey)
  • Surabhi Dogra, EPN representative (India)
  • Richard Churchill, Secretariat (UK)

Chair(s): Meera Beharry, IAAH Secretariat/Treasurer

  • Oversee the financial health and sustainability of the organization.
  • Provide financial analysis, advice, and oversight of the organization’s budget.
  • Ensure the organization is operating with the financial resources it needs to provide the approved initiatives/programs/services.
  • Propose recommendations regarding investment opportunities, based on developed business case(s) and return on investments (ROI).

Chair(s): Nicola Gray, Vice President Europe

  • Ensure that the policies, advocacy, and communications activities of IAAH fulfill the organization’s mission.
  • Create a structure for internal and external policy and position statement development within IAAH.
  • Evaluate external policies for IAAH endorsement or adaptation.
  • Discuss varying types of policy activities (ie, policies or policy positions and statements).
  • Establish a methodology to evaluate and prioritize policy topics.

Chair(s): Ngozi Oketah, IAAH Special Advisor

  • Highlight the unique health issues facing adolescents worldwide and advocate for a successful transition to adulthood.
  • Increase engagement of adolescents in their own health decisions.
  • Stimulate global events focusing on adolescent health issues and ways to address them.
  • Develop programs and bolster regional and local implementation.

Members should represent a diversity of backgrounds, professionals skills, geographies, and interests. Interested young people (under the age of 24) should apply to be a youth ambassador. 

Co-Chairs: Daisy Olumide, Vice President Sub Saharan Africa; Harish Pemde, Vice President East Asia; Mauricio Scarpello, Vice President Latin America

  • Increase IAAH membership base.
  • Increase national and regional organizational IAAH membership.
  • Increase youth and young adult IAAH membership.

Chairs: Susan Sawyer, Immediate Past President

  • Organize the processes for nominating and voting for members of the IAAH Council (currently every 3 years).
  • Review the criteria for the IAAH Founders Awards, and develop a process for nominations and selection.
  • Review the criteria for awarding the IAAH Honorary Fellowship Award and provide guidance/support for the person selected.
  • Review the criteria for awarding the IAAH Young Professionals Prize, and develop a process for nominations and selection.
  • Work in association with the Communications committee to publicize the achievements of IAAH awardees.


  • Oversee the application, bidding, and planning processes for the IAAH World Congress on Adolescent Health and identify potential individuals to participate in the various committees required to run the World Congress.
  • Support the development of regional adolescent health conferences.
  • Identify and recommend IAAH participation in planning committees and/or events as requested by other organizations.

Chairs: María del Carmen Calle Dávila, Ex Officio

• Ensure young people’s voices are included at all levels within IAAH.
• Create awareness of events around health and developmental activities for youth at regional and global levels.
• Collaborate with the Young Professionals Network (YPN) around youth leadership, health, and well-being. 
• Consult with global and regional meeting planners to ensure youth voice is represented.

IAAH Committee Expression of Interest Form