Passing the Torch - Executive Administrator Transition

Jenna Baumgartner, IAAH Executive Administrator, 2009-2024
After 15 wonderful years (yes, you read that right, 15!!), I am stepping down from my role as the IAAH Executive Administrator. My journey with IAAH started in 2009 with the presidential election of Dr. Lyn Bearinger (USA), who I worked with in the Center for Adolescent Nursing at the University of Minnesota. In the early years, I learned all about the inner workings of IAAH from the longstanding Secretary/Treasurer, Dr Jean-Yves Frappier (Canada). Lyn and I worked hard to engage our global council through establishing monthly Skype council meetings, and I learned my way around the multiple tasks that were required to administer this global organization.
Four years in, my new role flew by, and I was lucky enough to be invited to stay on by Lyn’s successor, Dr. Bruce Dick (Switzerland). As IAAH continued to grow and become more active, my role continued to expand. Beyond managing the day-to-day activities of IAAH, I facilitated an organizational rebrand, created a new website, and developed the IAAH newsletter. I was pleased to work with IAAH’s 8th president, Dr. Susan Sawyer (Australia) whose helped build the financial underpinnings of IAAH at that time, developed the IAAH internal committee structure and forged the relationship with International Adolescent Health Week (IAHW). Finally, I have worked with the current president, Dr Jon Klein (USA) who has developed a strong partnership with WHO through promoting the 1.8 Billion Young People for Change Campaign by the Partnership for Maternal, Newborn, Child and Adolescent Health (PMNCH). Beyond working with our IAAH presidents, I have also greatly enjoyed working with our dedicated IAAH council members and (now longstanding) Treasurer, Dr. Meera Beharry.
My work with IAAH and the global adolescent health community has enhanced my knowledge of organizational administration and global communications, and has resulted in many wonderful relationships. Many of these were forged through my participation in the planning of three World Congresses (Istanbul, Turkey; New Delhi, India; and Lima, Peru), the last of which was entirely virtual due to COVID. And while I won’t be a part of the planning process for the next IAAH World Congress in Jamaica (6-8 November 2025), I won’t miss the workload!

Elli Resnick, IAAH Executive Administrator
As I transition out of this role (my last day is March 31st), I am pleased to introduce you to the new IAAH Executive Administrator, Elissa (Elli) Resnick. Elli earned her MPH from the Boston University School of Public Health in Social and Behavioral Sciences. Since completing her degree, Elli has worked on a range of pediatric and adolescent health issues at the University of Illinois at Chicago, including nutrition, physical activity, tobacco use, and health services.Elli currently serves as the program coordinator for the Clinical and Translational Scholars Program at the University of Illinois at Chicago. She is the co-author of numerous research papers as well as the book, Marketing Public Health: Strategies for Promoting Social Change. Elli lives in Chicago with her family and loves to be outside, even in the Chicago winters – which can be very, very cold! Elli’s quick wit, organizational skills, passion for social change, and background in program management are all assets that will greatly benefit IAAH. Please feel free to reach out and say hello to her at [email protected].
Thank you to all of you for making my time with IAAH so special. It has been a pleasure to work with all of you and to be small part of advocating for and advancing adolescent health globally!