Warm greetings from the IAAH Young Professionals Network (YPN)! We are excited for the upcoming 12th World Congress on Adolescent Health and have planned a special track tailored to students, trainees, and early career professionals in adolescent health. We hope you will register and engage with our Young Professionals Network sessions at the World Congress.
Our Friday opening session, “Catalyzing Connections for the Future of Adolescent Health: Launching the IAAH Young Professionals Network” will provide an overview of the launch of the YPN, our various committees, and opportunities to become involved. We will be recruiting new leadership during the World Congress so this will be an excellent opportunity to learn more.
Our Saturday morning “Speed Networking” session will be a fun virtual social and networking session. We will provide small group rooms allowing for more interaction and conversation. On Sunday morning, we are hosting a “Meet the Editors” session which will allow for a roundtable discussion with editors from the Lancet Child and Adolescent Health and the Journal of Adolescent Health.
We are also thrilled to feature presentations from 10 early career professionals who participated in the inaugural YPN Mentorship Program on Research in Global Adolescent Health. We have a line-up of exciting workshops ranging from adolescent health education and training around the world, developing an online social media presence for adolescent health research, and strategies to engage young people in research and community initiatives.

Reflecting on 2020 and embracing the continuously evolving environment of 2021, the IAAH Young Professionals Network (YPN) would like to pay respect to all of those affected by the COVID-19 pandemic. The pandemic has and continues to significantly disrupt the education, socialization, and mental health of adolescents, young adults, students, trainees, and young professionals in many unanticipated ways. Understanding these disruptions are occurring, the Young Professionals Network has taken creative steps to provide information and resources in easily accessible ways. The network also continues to grow and change, providing an ever-growing pool of individuals with knowledge, experience, and ideas to tap into, making the network a vibrant and collaborative space, even in the face of a global pandemic.
We look forward to you joining us at the 2021 IAAH World Congress!
IAAH YPN Co-Chairs Jason Nagata, Sophie Remoué Gonzales, Natalie Yap

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Join us on Slack!
The International Association for Adolescent Health – Young Professionals Network is thrilled to announce that we’re on Slack.
Slack is basically a messaging app on steroids. It’s meant for teams and can be used across multiple devices and platforms, and is equipped with features that allow you to chat one-on-one but also in groups.
The account is known as a “workspace” and is divided into “channels,” which are separate group chats with their own members and topics. In these channels, you can send messages, images, internet links, videos, and more. There are also direct messages, which let you chat with one or several people privately without anyone else being able to join.
Slack apps are available for Windows and Mac computers and Apple and Android mobile devices. You can access the same functionalities through Slack’s website in a desktop web browser.
Click here to join the IAAH YPN Slack channel!